Baby driver soundtrack youtube
Baby driver soundtrack youtube

When I actually sat down to write the movie, had earmarked about 10 songs: Jon Spencer, the Damned, the “Tequila” cover, “Hocus Pocus”, Blur, the Barry White song, the Queen song, and some others.

baby driver soundtrack youtube

I’m always trying to find songs that have sections like that.

#Baby driver soundtrack youtube movie

Also, a lot of the songs in the movie had some interesting things happening structure-wise-tempo changes, breakdowns, loud and quiet bits. I've been thinking about the movie for a number of years, so for quite a while I've been thinking, “This is a good Baby Driver song.” The Damned one -that’s a song that I’ve loved for a long time, and I’ve never heard in a movie, so I thought. How did these songs enter the movie’s universe for you? Would you be hearing them in the wild and you’d think, “This should be in Baby Driver,” or was it more like you were sitting at a desk and thinking them up as you typed out a draft? If I was them, I would bring it back as an option. It's a funny thing with technology where a company is trying to phase out different ways that you do stuff. They said, “Do you have Apple Music?” I said, “Yeah!” They said, “Oh.” I said, “I just like the iPod-having a hard drive with everything.” I realize that it’s going to die soon and I’m going to have to buy another one on eBay. Somebody from Apple came to see the movie, and when I told them that I still use the iPod, they looked at me like I was insane. I still use it! I have one in my pocket as we speak.

baby driver soundtrack youtube

I thought that was kind of interesting, ’cause I thought if he stole cars, the main thing you end up with is a collection of sunglasses and a collection of other people’s listening devices. And if he's been stealing cars since he was 12, he's going to have inherited a lot of other people’s iPods.

baby driver soundtrack youtube

If you think of Ansel Elgort’s age, he was seven when the first iPod came out, which is enough to make anybody feel old. If he grew up with that, it’s almost like his version of vinyl. Not really, I kind of figured he would be stuck on that.

Baby driver soundtrack youtube